Monday, August 14, 2006

weekend and preceding

a routine is settling like sediments of clay in a bucket of water. that reminds of an onion headline I just read... something like, "I suck at similies as bad as the river tide flows." anyways, I'm starting to get into the groove down here. Things that I want to increase are more of my own ceramics, as opposed to the "teaching" (read: babysitting) ceramics at Alma, and I would like to study some Spanish. And I would like US$100,000.

But the routine: wake up and shower, prepare coffee or drink coffee molly prepared, let the cat out, let the cat in, eat cereal, read scraps of paper on the table, dress, drink more coffee, put hair up, walk two blocks to school. Not a bad commute. 1st hour is my prep time (as are 3rd... and 4th hours), where I usually check and respond to emails (so send them!) and get my things together for class. 2nd hour class... more on that later, but things are generally good. Then lunch. 3rd and 4th hour I will work (clean) in the ceramics class. Sometimes (probably more frequently as the weeks go on) I will help out in Amy's 4th period AP English. For example, today I have prepared a reading and short lecture on Hume in regards to moral relativism. After school... Tuesdays and Thursday's will now be the after school pottery workshop. Monday is the Alma soccer game. Then Molly and I have dinner and fistfight. No! I mean we hang out and talk to the cat. I'm usually in bed by 10:30!

This weekend, which you already know about if you've been reading "mollyetta," we didn't do much of anything! Friday there was a get together at the art teacher's house. He has a pool and there were some tasty appetizers and beer. There might have also been some tequila. That kind of thing is nice though because the lubrication extends throughout the week. For instance I forgot to sign up for lunch this morning, but the secretary was happy and willing to add my name to the list--because we had a drink and a laugh together on Friday! So let that be a lesson to you all--drink occasionally with your colleagues.

Saturday and Sunday passed without much in the way of events. Our house looks a lot nicer now, in little homey ways and little cleaning ways. I made some pretty wicked guac. Sunday night I wanted some mindless entertainment so Mols and I smoked some meth I mean went to see Pirates 2. Pretty fun movie, deeply unsatisfying in terms of closure. There are many good looking people in that movie, and the villains are especially gross and interesting. Johnny Depp dies in the end! Sorry! I ruined it.

Soon we will do something so exciting that it will blow your minds away. I don't know what it is yet, but we'll figure it out. No more of this, 'not much to report, but I'm well-rested' garbage. Oh yeah, one more thing, two more things. I have a new phone now so call me. Even if you want to just say hi. Same number. But watch out because my phone has a prominently displayed timer and I'm using it to judge the quality of my conversations. 2nd thing, would some people like to step up and start doing some snail mail exchanges? I think I would really appreciate it and it will be fun.

bon journee.



Blogger molly said...

i told you to take out that dumb meth joke. sarcasm does not translate well into blog form. you ass!

10:53 AM  

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