Friday, January 26, 2007


there will be an actual blog soon. I have some pictures i want to share, but they are stuck on my phone. In the meantime, enjoy this awesome version of Superstition by Stevie Wonder. Besides being the best version of this song I've heard, with grungy backing band kicking it sesame style, notice the kid in the red shirt jamming out on the secone floor. He is my hero.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


so much motivation. check out his 303 mods yo.

Friday, January 12, 2007

str8 outta Cruces!

crazy mother*ucker named JoeCube!

I'm lucky lucky lucky! Do Do--Do ya Do ya wanna?! I teach 3rd and 4th hours... meaning I don't do anything in the morning. 1st hour I get my ducks in order (surf the internet) and 2nd hour I work in the studio--usually on my own stuff! Someone recently quipped that I'm in AmeriCorps because I like to help people. Sure doesn't feel like it in the morning, Dutch! 3rd hour, right after lunch, I teach intermediate ceramics to 7 people. Sev-en. That's a pretty nice class size. 4th hour I teach beginning to 12 students. That's a lot of kids! wink wink. I cannot imagine these schools where they cram 40 kids into a single class (I went to one of them, but I don't know if I could teach at one of them). Lucky!

We binged on the Showtime original series "Weeds" in the last 2 days, finishing out the first season. I give this show a B. It's kind of good, but the writers make some very bad choices and I don't feel the show is very believable at times. Kevin Nealon is pretty funny though, good to see him doing well after weekend update.

Reading _Ada or Ardor_ by Nabokov, writer of _Lolita_. This book is a conundrum wrapped in an enigma. If you want to see the lunatic ravings of a genius with his brain on fire, read this book. On "deck" is the entire Dune series, a Phillip Roth, "Empire," and the next issue of Foreign Affairs.

Listening to some new albums we got over break. "Fujiya and Miyagi," a non-japanese group from England, makes groovy, slightly tongue-in-cheek jams that are just a little too slow to dance to. Good though. "Bonnie Prince Billy" has a new album called The Letting Go, which is wonderful and terrific music that is very well done and that I will probably never be in the mood to listen to.

Watching "An Inconvenient Truth," by Al Gore, which is very interesting and scary with not too much annoying stuff. Everyone, truly all people, should see this film. Also watched the 2nd "Bourne" movie--The Bourne Supremacy. I would not recommend this as widely as the story of earth's demise, but this one also has wide appeal. Terrific action movie.

Tasting--mainly things that don't have cheese in them or butter or jesus we ate a lot in minnesota. We've kind of been de-toxing this week on salad and pasta.

Smelling--clean desert air. It has been very nice here since we've been back. Nights have been warmer than before we left. The winter here is like the autumn in minnesota--which I remember as being the best season. And now the days are waxing until June, so we're coming out of the shadows. We're going hiking on Sunday, not sure where. Candidates are Soledad canyon, Dona Ana Mountains, or the bouldering area in the south Organs.

God this is a boring blog. I should be reflecting on something, summarizing succinctly but gracefully what Minnesota meant to me. Basically it was really nice to be home and I found myself fighting the urge to move back and settle down. I have to remember that the last two weeks were a total fantasy camp of returning friends and pleasurable consumption. I have to remember that I can't stay home from work everyday and get high while watching Blade 2 at 3 in the afternoon. And I also have to keep in mind that it's downright unhealthy to watch an entire 10 hour marathon of America's Next Top Model, eat an entire bag of Doritos Taco-flavored chips, and drink all of the beer in my parents fridge in one day. But that's rich stuff, good memories.

Good people too. All of them--you--were great to see. Not a bad apple in the bunch. Except for salty Sal--god he's a crank!

It's also good to be back. This is a new position for us because we're sticking it out for a year--a much different time frame than the previous one semester abroad that Molly and I both had (and we are currently abroad, as anyone who has visited can attest). I'm going to be setting up an online store for my ceramics at and I've got a few commissions to start working on. We also still have a lot to see in New Mexico and maybe Arizona. Quemado, Carlsbad, more of the Gila, Taos, Hueco, and a return trip to the Needle come to mind. It'll be a busy semester and surely a quick one. It's kind of an interesting in-between moment right now, that will probably end next week, where time has slowed a bit in between two fast parts.
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