Friday, September 14, 2007

east village

this link is a video about the neighborhood where ben and jim live in ny, ny. I've been there twice now and seen a lot of these places. at one point you can almost glance ben and jim's front door; it's in the beginning when the host is walking down the street and he passes a bar that has a board out front that says "BUA". Bua is right next door to ben and jim's.

...I think we fall into the 'yuppie scum' category. whoops! sorry joey ramone.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

foxy blog

oh yeah!

here we go.

(one reason I don't blog much is because when I type in this blog program, the cursor is always lagging behind my typing so I don't see the words until 2 seconds after I type them. I'm not a good typer, much back-spacing, so you can imagine my discomfort. the other reason is because what's there to write?)

not much excitement is happening, no? what do you want?

there is some drama at school:

let me know if that link doesn't work. it seems I had much more heart for these issues at the end of last semester (see blogs from around that time). now I'm just sort of tired of the whole thing and it's hard for me to care beyond wondering if this will affect my job security. great right? also, it is really starting to seem to me that the entire issue is being acted out by people who are power hungry and people who like to have their faces in shit all the time (you know the types). point being, there's just not a lot of great dialogue being generated and I'd rather stay out of it this time around. I also hate politics (sorry ben).

class is going well. I wonder often what it would be like if I was teaching at a different school. would I have the same liberty? would I be censored? I have a pretty good thing going here now, but I also teach pretty good classes. I'm lucky all around like that--I can do pretty much whatever I want within the parameters of this school. today a kid told me, "shut the hell up!" and I said, "I'm not going to respond because I know you didn't really mean that," and he said, "you're right, I'm sorry." the other day a kid threw an exacto knife. it wasn't aimed at anyone, but he looked at me all guilty wanting me to say something. I said, "you have to learn some time. you're in highschool now, I can't hold your hand." later on that week he cut himself real bad with the knife, needed a bandaid and some peroxide. he said, "ok I won't mess around with the blades anymore."

but there are also times like tonite, where I'm thinking of my first period class tomorrow. we just finished a unit on graphic design. I have nothing for them to do tomorrow. I hate that feeling. I always come up with something, but let's face it, it could've been better, right?

I had a meeting today for to begin trying to sell my wares at the farmer's market downtown. it's right by my house and I am full to the brim with pots right now. I really hope I can move something on saturday, I'm getting sick of these things sitting around. I'm not one of those artists that wants to look at his own stuff all day. wish me luck!

molly and I acquired berry lucky charms this week. they lasted two days.

I saw 1408 with my friend justin. very scary!

we had some friends over for tacos last night (caity, ingrid, and rebecca and then justin came over later). it was fun and we turned in kind of early.

I'm reading the last dune book right now. it started out kind of shitty but it's starting to get good. the ghola-bashar teg just regained his memories, including his superhuman speed/processing powers. the s is about to hit the f.

next week molly and I are going to see the animal collective in el paso.

that's all the news from lake woe-be-desert.

stay tuned blograds, results from this weekend's sale are sure to tantalize! in the meantime, here's a funny picture:

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