Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Scientists are amazing.

Seriously, how do they come up with some of this shit? Today an article in the nytimes described a newly discovered crater in the indian ocean. A rogue group of scientists believes this is THE crater that caused the "biblical" floods of circa 2000BC. There are "legends" and myths from all over the world that indicate massive and catastrophic floods from around that time. So this group of scientists starts using Google earth to scour satellite photos in search of a particular land formation called a "chevron." The found several chevrons in madagascar that all pointed towards the indian ocean. next they scan the surface of the ocean using satellites again, to detect changes in "sea level" on the scale of fractions of an inch. Certain patterns in the changes of sea level indicate certain underwater geological formation; one patter corresponds to the "crater." Next, they go down and take earth samples from the crater. They predict and eventually find a number of indicators for "cosmic impact," such as certain fossils fused together, ratios of certain metals, and certain rock formations...

What the fuck? Who thinks of this stuff? It makes me feel like a caveman when I read about stuff like this. "no, you can't go to the bathroom, you went twice yesterday," "no, you can't put coins in the kiln," "don't you have anything you can work on?" "I think I'm going to make a little bowl with a funny lip. ha ha." That's my life. Not, hmmm... I wonder if I isolate a certain clay polymer and transition if laterally via the throwing wheel while at the same time mixing a carbon slip in my centerfuge and listening to free jazz... I can perhaps create the worlds best vessel ever. Some artists are very scientific (Mark Pharis, mata ortiz potters)... not me. I just try to make funny things that I think are interesting and there is no need for internal logic.

Just imagine if artists switched roles with scientists. First of all there would probably be a lot more work lying around the ceramics studio, and you would probably see a much greater connection or linear movement from piece to piece. Next, you would probably see much more rigorous working methods, a cleaner studio, and pots that were actually finished through to the end. Now let's go over to the science lab where the artist is working. Look! He glued those two beakers together and there's some type of chemical mix bubbling over there in the corner! Hey artist, did you come up with any advances for humanity today? No, I couldn't really think of anything... but I did arrange everything in the studio from biggest to smallest. And the furniture is rearranged too for maximum "breathing room."

Honestly my money is with the scientists. I feel like if I went back to school I would've liked to pursue that botany interest I had my freshman year... except I really think about it and I don't really have the tempermant to be a scientist. In fact my only hope for the future lies with the scientists and the politicians that fund or don't fund them. By this of course I mean the utopian "manhattan project" for free energy--cold fusion or some such thing. Perhaps a pipe dream but in my mind the only true hope for a sustainable future. At any rate, the ceramicists will not be contributing to that project. Oh well, we can't really choose what or who we love. I'll take Steven Stills advice on this one.

In other personal news, we are having our first visitors this weekend--Jesse and Katie. Whew they won't come soon enough. This is a good time for visitors. We need people to come see us. We were actually talking about having someone from minneapolis move down here with us to help lower costs but also to help make merry. It's not all that bad though. MOlly and I do a pretty good job, with the help of olive, of keeping eachother entertained. Roy and Nan will follow on their heels on tuesday of next week. so we'll have a grand party. Strange how I use all of your first names, considering you are 4 of the 5 people that read this blog. The fifth being Uncle George. So, George, roy and nan and katie and jesse are coming out.

what else what else,,, funny stories think of a funny story. I think funny things happen to me but I don't catalogue them for future sharing. This often happens with Molly and I. She'll do something really wacky and funny that's pretty inventive and I'll just go, "yeah, that's good." This is because my weird meter is set pretty high. You really have to do something strange to register on my weird-dar. Oh, I know something weird! I had a cold last week, and once I cleared out both barrels in the shower and the effluent hung from my nose to my hip! Isn't that something? Shit, I told myself a long time ago that this blog wouldn't become a record of my bodily functions... I've let down my ancestors today.

Reading: portrait of the artist as a young man, a room of one's own, the awakening.

Listening: sonic youth murray street, deerhof, sleater kinney the woods

Internet recommendation: www.zefrank.com


Blogger Andromedi said...

I think your blog should be nothing BUT a record of your bodily functions. I think by logging your defecations you could begin to bridge your waning gap betwixt science and art.

2:54 PM  

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